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This is OUR House Annual Appeal

This is OUR House Annual Appeal Home Support Cathedral Catholic This is OUR House Annual Appeal

The Latin word unum translates to one in English. In Latin, unum is used to represent the concept of unity, the way it is used in the American motto, E Pluribus Unum, or Out of Many, One.
Cathedral Catholic has selected Unum as the 2024-2025 theme and our goal is to focus on how all Dons are part of one community. Additionally, we want our students and employees to consider how the Christian and Catholic ideal of community extends beyond our school, neighbors and families. One way Cathedral Catholic strives to cultivate the broader concept of community for our students and employees is with our Immersion Program, Dons Discover. Dons Discover is designed to provide all students and employees with domestic and international immersion experiences that expand our understanding of community.
Some examples of immersion experiences currently happening at Cathedral Catholic include international trips to Costa Rica, Mexico City and Tijuana, as well as domestic trips to Los Angeles, Washington D.C. and other cities on the East Coast. We aim to extend the list of immersion experiences in the next few years. 
One challenge the school faces with the Dons Discover Immersion Program is the cost of the trips. We want all students to have the opportunity to experience an immersion trip, regardless of their ability to cover the expenses. To achieve this goal, this year, the Annual Appeal will be combined with Dons Giving Day to support the Dons Discover Immersion Program. 
Our goal this year is $425,000. 
To encourage support and develop the Dons parent community, we will host grade-level Annual Appeal social gatherings at The ZAK on the following days:
Freshman Parents: September 5, from 6-8 pm
Sophomore Parents: September 12, from 6-8 pm
Junior Parents: October 3, from 6-8  pm
Senior Parents: October 10, from 6-8 pm

Please consider making a sacrificial gift. Cathedral Catholic’s foundation is built on donations big and small from our supporters. Lastly, did you know that many San Diego companies will match your donation? Inquire with your workplace to see if they will match your gift.

To contribute to this year’s Annual Appeal, please visit our Make a Gift page, or you can mail a check payable to Cathedral Catholic High School to the attention of the Advancement Office.

We are grateful for your generosity.

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